The 5 Best Countries in the World to do Plastic Surgery

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People often search for a solution to eliminate the flaws in their bodies and one of the most practiced procedures is plastic surgery. Many people want to enhance their lives by improving the way they look, and this is now achievable due to progress in medical technology. People can get that exact or nearly similar to the appearance they are looking for!

Once someone decides if they want to go for plastic. surgery procedure, the next important step is to look for the perfect medical tourism destination. This is the best location or place where they can have their plastic surgery procedure done and also enjoy it as a tourist destination. Cosmetic surgery abroad is getting popular with time. Let us look at the list of best countries for plastic surgery

South Korea 

A country with top-rated and cutting-edge technology. The professionals here goal for a perfect balance between the patient and technician’s expectations. Healthcare facilities in South Korea have adopted new robotic technologies that assist all types of cosmetic procedures. For example, 3-D modeling systems can help surgeons and patients understand the expected results of procedures like gene therapy and stem cell treatments. The robots also help surgeons assure for sterility and reduce infection chances. This helps achieve more accuracy in results and meet customer expectations.

Price of Plastic Surgery in South Korea

The cost of the procedure in South Korea is much lower than in other places like Western Europe and the U.S. Here, patients have the flexibility to chose surgeons and the price packages as per their needs.

Plastic Surgeons Skills in South Korea

Professionalism, Youthful good looks, and confidence are the attributes of plastic surgeons in South Korea. As part of the cosmetic procedures, the country is famous for the facial reconstructions, laser surgeries, and breast implants. procedures they offer.

South Korea is home to the world’s best plastic surgeons who keep up well with the technological advancements in this field. Surgeons in Korea always keep up well with medical trends by attending conferences, workshops, and industrial events all over the world.


A leading country that offers affordable plastic surgery by famous, and accredited plastic surgeons. Mexico is also one of the most popular destinations in the world for any type of cosmetic surgery procedure. The country has many cost-effective surgeries. They also offer many luxury vacation packages when getting cosmetic treatments from the professionals here.

Price of Plastic Surgery in Mexico

Mexico has lesser expensive surgery packages than the United States and other countries. Here, patients can purchase a medical vacation package and spend up to $5000. This also includes a recovery stay of up to four to five days in a resort-style place.


A perfect travel destination for many tourists that also offers affordable plastic surgery treatments, that too by trained and certified professionals.

Price of Plastic Surgery in Turkey

Plastic surgery costs are much cheaper in Turkey as compared to other countries. Hospital fees here are 90% lesser than what patients pay for similar procedures in the U.S. and Western Europe. Medical Treatments in Turkey are much more affordable for foreign residents than for tourists in other countries.

Plastic Surgeons Skills in Turkey

Cosmetic surgery in Turkey is performed by both trained and certified professionals. One of the reasons why the procedures are overseen by the country’s medical association. Plastic surgery hospital clinics in Turkey are frequently inspected by medical associations, this includes the International Medical Association and the Turkish Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (TSAPS).

Surgeons undergo frequent inspections that ensure they pass all exams that are necessary before performing a procedure. Patients are given the chance to verify surgeons’ certifications on the TSAPS website.


India comes among the best countries for plastic surgery. The country has up to 5000 active cosmetic surgeons. These surgeons are experts and have proper certifications from high-ranked authorities in the country. High-class hospitals offer high-quality affordable plastic surgery procedures.

Price of Plastic Surgery in India

India’s high-rated hospitals offer the best services that certify high-quality plastic surgeries at affordable prices. So, if you come from a different country, it is worth paying more for surgery abroad as getting it done in India is considerably less expensive than in the West.

Plastic Surgeons Skills in India

Plastic surgeons in India are certified by the Medical Council of India. They undergo a rigorous training procedure before becoming qualified. Quality is the most important when someone undergoes plastic surgery. The main reason why India is well renowned globally for its perfect standards. 


Thailand had been in the top 20 countries for medical tourism in the world and it became the most popular destination for plastic surgery in Southeast Asia. The country is famous as the ‘Land of Smile’, where the patient expects warm and welcoming hospitality. 

Price of Plastic Surgery in India

Cosmetic surgery in Thailand is famous due to the availability of world high-class quality packages at an affordable cost. 

Many top-rated hospitals in Thailand offer advanced medical equipment and technology, including recovery rooms, operation rooms, and extremely high-class services for patient satisfaction. Thailand is renowned as a top destination for medical tourists because of its affordable and high-quality treatment with amazing facilities in easy-to-reach and cosmopolitan locations. 

A reason why people choose plastic surgery in Thailand is because of the world-class experience they get here. They can get world-class experience at lower prices because of the favourable currency exchange rate.